Sunday, February 10, 2019

What's In A Friend

When asked what's important in life, I often answer with four words. One of those four words is friends. A true friend will without reservation stand up for you when others are speaking negative or tearing you down. True friends are authentic and honest. Their conversations don't try and make themselves seem stronger or more successful. True friends don't avoid you if things get uncomfortable or life gets tough. A friend helps you back up with encouragement and affirmation when you fail. 
Friendships cross all kinds of barriers including age. Below cousins Cody, Gideon, and Ethan are listening to Great-Grandpa tell them stories of the old days and how God has been faithful to him and Elizabeth all their years. 
One has to be intentional to be a friend. Last Wednesday evening the Young People leaders of our church divided up the high schoolers and went to visit some of our churches older folks in their homes. The kids told a little about themselves and then listened to stories from those they were visiting.
Gideon and Ethan are cousins. They are also friends. After Ethan and his dad replaced a head gasket in Ethan's truck it ran a little rough. Gideon went over to Ethans one evening and helped him adjust the valves. It fixed the problem. I asked Gideon how he knew how to adjust valves on a Cummins engine. He said he watched his fellow worker "Stix" do it once at work. Then he said he and Ethan watch a YouTube how to video on diesel valve adjustment. Good job guys.
We've had quite a contrast in temps this winter. This is an ice jam on the Des Moines River after warmer weather a week ago. This week we are back to just above and below zero. This is also the fourth active moisture weekend in a row meaning more snow or ice.
Karl and Kristin have been busy getting ready and getting in two buildings of weaner pigs. Andy and Amara also filled their new building this week.
On nasty days we make sure and have equipment in the shop to work on. If you remember how much mud we had during harvest you can imagine what some of this machinery looks like. I spent a day cleaning mud out of this cornhead. After a good washing and setting it on it's head cart we tucked it inside until next fall.
Ezra and Jackson helped yesterday. We dug stalks and mud out of the tracks of this tractor. Alex changed the oil and serviced it. Pablo cleaned out and made the inside of the cab look like new. Tomorrow it and the grain cart will get a bath. 
On better days we continue to haul grain for others. Below Kasey is thankful for Jim and Rob's fast loadout.
Yesterday Ezra helped me drag work in the shop for next week. Few accomplishments are completed without a plan. At our house plans are the weekly job list. Goals are longer term. Like having a goal to be ready for spring. Just 4 to 6 weeks away depending on the remainder of our winter.
Winter is a good time to set goals. To think about the next year. The next five years. On the radio Bev talks about a word for the year. Last year one of my goals was to be a better listener. This new year I have a goal to try and do a better job of learning from others. I also have goals in business that have little to do with finances. One is to create and facilitate opportunities. At 62 years old another is to finish strong.
Homecoming was to be two weeks ago at PCHS. Then it was rescheduled for a week later. After dicey weather the basketball game and homecoming court finally happened last Thursday evening. Congratulations to Nathan and Mary Kate for King and Queen. The Oskaloosa boys' team had a one point victory against Pella Christian.
Mike had lots of company Saturday morning in his fishing hut on the ice on our pond. Ezra, Jayden, and Jackson are joining him.
I went to see my friend Ken this week. We talked about Africa, farming, and life. In 1968 Ken was on the cover of Wallaces Farmer as a 29 year old with a cutting edge hog operation. He and his sons Joel and Bryce continue a farrow to finish operation. Ken has been a good example to me in being generous in both his time and resources.
So, what does it take to have friends? I think the answer is obvious. Be a friend and have those qualities we visited about at the beginning of this story. Whether you are starting strong, continuing strong, or finishing strong, life is lonely without friends. Many of you who are part of this visit I consider to be true friends. Thank you for that. Guys, don't forget your valentine on Thursday. Gals sometimes tend to get a pass on this holiday. See you next week.

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