After been given a piece of candy or a favor as a kid I used to hear, "What do you say" in a firm voice. If I failed to acknowledge my donor by name when I said thank you, I would hear "What do you say, Who" in a yet firmer voice. Even though saying thank you was done out of obedience rather than attitude it was a good habit to learn back then. Being told thank you today after a gift, a favor, or an act of service, has been given feels good.
I am thankful for the weather and planting conditions during late April. We still have a couple days of planting left. I think more crop went in in southern Iowa in that one week than ever before.
I am thankful for work we get to do for others. It not only helps pay the bills, it creates relationships with the folks we work for.
I am thankful for the crew that helps our family. They work hard. They are not scared to tackle projects. They care about our family and the folks we work for. And they care about each other.
I am thankful and so blessed to have family. I pray for and thank God for every one of them individually by name every day. This is Hazel getting the mail. Thanks for the snap Becky.
Last Sunday morning Shelby, Sheree, and family from Dora, Missouri came to Pella II to talk about their work, Majestic Outdoor Adventures, and to thank the church as a whole for helping them out with flood damage during spring break. Thanks to Shelby and Sheree for the visit. Thanks to Jon and Glenda for helping make that work trip happen.
As we talked last week we have been dry and needing rain. Well last Wednesday evening it rained. Some got more than others. I am thankful for God's faithfulness providing for our crops. On Friday, April 25 when we had 17% humidity and 50 mph winds, it showed us how helpless we would be without moisture.
There was a strip of three inches of rain just north and west of Oskaloosa of which two inches came in just a couple of hours that were hard on things.
Late last week we took a little down time. Mike took folks fishing, one day with rod and reels, and one day with bows.
Folks worked on their yards. Below Ryan and Elliot are helping Jan with the mowing. We did some cleaning up. We planted an asparagus patch. Jan planted flowers.
I am thankful BJ and Cassia and family are back home in their new home. They moved back just a year after a fire destroyed their home. Below folks are cleaning up a silo where Cassia hopes to have a raised flower bed.
Jan and I went for a ride southwest of Pella looking at crop progress. This bridge crossing started out as a ferry in 1849. Believe it or not this is where the road was between Oskaloosa and Knoxville. The first entry of records in Marion County shows David Durham requesting and being granted a license to operate a ferry across the Des Moines River. Fees were set at 25 cents for two horses and a wagon, and 12 cents for a man and horse. In 1865 there was a proposition to build a bridge. It was denied for lack of funding and need. Fifteen years later a bridge was built at the cost of $17,000.
Jan and I went to Tulip Time last evening. This is Kurt and Emily and their family in the parade. Since I'm not crazy about standing in line for food we ordered a pizza to go from Georges and ate some of it while watching the parade.
One of the final parade entries was my favorite. It was the Pella Fire Dept. This was the ladder truck and crew that kept Mark safe as he helped fight the International Ingredient fire three months ago on a cold Sunday afternoon with his trackhoe.
I am thankful to the Iowa legislature for passing the heartbeat bill which protects young life in the womb. I realize I have some readers who opposed this bill. I also realize I have readers who want nothing to do with politics. However I'm thankful for good folks willing to give their time and abilities to serve our state. I'm also thankful for having the opportunity to be involved behind the scenes.
Last winter while in Tuscan our landlord had health issues and was in the hospital for three months. I'm thankful for Marvin and Jean and I'm thankful Marvin is home and looking better every time I visit.
I'm thankful when kids have the opportunity to grow up helping out, especially on the farm. I'm thankful for Elliot's help yesterday.
Crop progress is encouraging and growing fast. We can plan, prepare, and plant but only God can make things grow. It started out looking like a tough spring. However attitude determines life and we determine our attitudes. Make your attitude one of gratitude.
Remember how good it feels to get a thank you note or spoken appreciation using your name? That's how God and others feel when we remember to say thank you. We likely won't be remembered for making a living. However we will be remembered for making a life. Thanks for the visit.
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