Most all of us were taught to share from the time we could grab and say No! or Mine! As we grew up in large families we shared clothes, meals, gifts, chores, responsibilities, and even time with our parents. I was the oldest of six kids plus we had foster children living with us. As I got older my mother also cared for a number of older folks who lived with us at different times. Jan and I also have six children and our family grew up sharing as well. Sharing means caring.
On Monday morning Karl had breakfast pizza at the hog sheds first thing. That meant there were pigs to vaccinate. I crowded pens and six of our crew gave shots to 5000 pigs in two hours.
Kurt had two pot loads of fat cattle going out on Tuesday so after helping Karl we went to Leighton and sorted cattle in the rain and mud. We were covered and soaked as we finished up around noon. Jerry mentioned he was buying lunch and we were invited to Pizza Ranch in Pella. So we cleaned off and dried off the best we could and eight of us shared time and lunch together.
Since spring is slow coming we have been getting some jobs accomplished that aren't usually on the list. Above our shop office we have a parts room with every piece of machinery having a container. It hadn't been reorganized or updated since our machine shed was new in 2007. So Monday afternoon we emptied all of the room's contents on the shop floor.
Then Tuesday we rearranged, reorganized, remarked, and restacked everything. We even color coordinated parts containers to match color of machinery. We had two dumpsters of no longer needed stuff.
On Wednesday Kurt, Alex, and I went to Alden, Iowa with Carl to look at a field cultivator. On the way home we shared lunch time together with the John Deere dealer in Story City. Guys with Grills was the restaurant and was voted the best barbeque place of the year in the state.
BJ's back surgery has been very successful however tiling probably is not something he should be doing six weeks after his operation. So yesterday Alex and Kasey ran BJ's tile plow for Craig. One of the guys shared this beautiful sunset ending the day as well as the week.
Cody has been busy with track. Earlier this week he and three others set a school record in a sprint medley relay.
One morning while talking about track meets the subject came up wondering if the younger crew could beat the older folks in a 400 meter race. My goal was to share time and memories together so we met at the track on Good Friday for a race. Well things didn't totally work out as planned however the younger crew all beat Grandpa. Thanks Carl for sharing.
After our race we came to the shop and around 40 of us shared KFC for lunch. Thanks Mike for taking kids on a hike. Thanks Dana for bringing lunch. Thanks crew and family for getting together.
Of course if you are going to have grandkids together you are going to get asked to share a Ranger ride.
Remember as kids how some friends shared abilities and influence to motivate others on the playground. Jan and I had a conversation about a message she heard where we are to pray for influence. Kinda sounds vain doesn't it. However we are to use our influence to share with others about the gift of salvation on Easter. That is the first part of the gospel. Then we need to ask God for protection. Protection from the devil that our influence is focused outward and not inward.
Jan also mentioned that in that same message we are to ask for blessings. Blessings to be generous in relationships and resources to others. That is the second part of the Easter message.
On Friday evening Jan and I attended a service at 3rd Church in Pella where we were challenged not to take anything home that Christ had left at the cross. The service ended with asking us to focus inward on living a forgiven, transformed life.
Last evening we attended a service at The Bridge in Ottumwa. Marty shared the gift of Easter and asked those attending to accept and help others accept that gift. That is focusing outward.
This morning we are looking forward to celebrating Easter at our home church in Oskaloosa. After a sunrise service inside because of the cold temps, and a service at 9:30, we are looking forward to sharing lunch together with friends at church.
The night before Christ died for our wrongs his disciples were arguing over who was the greatest. He shared with his disciples how to be an influence. He asked them to serve each other and others. That my friends is the second part of the gospel we are to share.
Every time I see this cave on a farm Kurt rents southwest of Lovila it reminds me of Easter. This morning we celebrate an empty tomb. Christ beat death so we can enjoy eternal life with Him. I have been blessed to know so many folks and have many friends including you all. As we run the course and finish the race here on earth lets share God's grace together. Then my prayer is that I spend eternity in Heaven with every one of you.
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