I'm sure many of you watched the Olympics some as we did. Starting well was the key to finishing strong in most of the competitions including skiing, bobsledding, and even figure skating.
The same is true in our everyday lives. At a meeting in Huxley Austin used a quote from Dana when talking about starting something well. Just like those Olympian athletes our results are often determined by our willingness to give 110% effort and take a chance. Often the folks that say they never had a chance are the ones that never took one.
Last Sunday BJ and Cassia returned home from the Cayman Islands where BJ had lower back disc replacement surgery. It was great to have their family together again.
Although he is limited to no twisting and no lifting for a couple of weeks he was at the shop every day visiting and helping make decisions. He drives everywhere and has been going to sprayer certification, tax appointments, and bank visits. BJ worked out the details this past week for our families second sprayer this coming crop season. He had his stitches removed in Ottumwa on Friday. Then he and Cassia went on to Drakesville to purchase cupboards for their new home.
Today is two weeks and two days after surgery. In Psalms 126 the prophet Ezra wrote, "And other nations said, What amazing things the Lord has done for them. Yes, the Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy." He is talking about God's goodness to His people. We thank God for healing so far and we thank you all for your thoughts and prayers on BJ's behalf.
Last Tuesday evening Mark and Stacy were invited to Oskaloosa's city council meeting where Mark and others were recognized and thanked for their help in fighting the International Ingredients fire two weeks ago.
We pulled the construction equipment in the shop in late January thinking it would take about a week to get it ready for spring. It took a month. We finally got the last dozer out this past week. This is Mike loading. He will soon be rolling.
We have replaced the dozers in the shop with a couple of planters. This is our soybean planter. It needs everything that touches the ground during planting replaced. Our goal is to have this bean planter and our corn planters ready to start the same day if necessary.
Kurt and Andy are the assembly crew putting new bearings and new tires on the depth gauge wheels. Mike and Alex are removing and replacing parts.
Jim is the repair crew. He is brazing cast where the closing wheel springs attach. Not many folks have that ability.
At the Cadet car races in Sully Wednesday evening Ezra is watching his pine derby car start well and hopes it finishes strong.
Son-in-law Brian had denominational meetings in Michigan this past week. He returned late Friday night just in time to lead classis on Saturday. Becky and the kids picked up their new chicks for the coming spring season. The less than week old chicks are off to a good start in the basement bathtub. Having chores for children helps them start well by learning the gift of work, the gift of responsibility, and the gift of caring.
Last evening was the Total Outdoorsman Banquet and auction at the Vermeer Pavillion. Nate, Jay, Cory, and the rest of the committee did an excellent job putting on the event. Matt, their speaker for the evening, was born without arms. His birth parents not knowing or trusting how to care for him put him up for adoption. At thirteen months old he was adopted by a farm family near Kalona where his adopted father was a farmer and Mennonite pastor. Matt determined not to let his handicap hinder him. He is a national archery champion competing all over the world by shooting an arrow with his toes. Kudos to Mark and Julie and crew for preparing and serving an excellent meal.
How many of you my age remember the Billy Graham crusades while growing up during the 1970s? Those crusades moved the hearts of nations. Billy Graham was a friend to presidents and kings. He never compromised his message. Remember Cliff Barrows and the choir singing "Just As I Am" during a call at the end of the message inviting folks to come forward and start a new life?
Billy Graham passed away this past week. He was 99 years old. He finished strong even though his last years were overcome by Parkinsons. He was a humble man who always pointed credit to his God. The reason I say he finished strong is because folks are remembering him for his message more than his accomplishments. Wow.
What about us? What is our purpose? Oh yes, we all know it takes a job and a paycheck to pay the bills and provide for family. That's starting well. I Timothy 6: 18 says folks "should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being willing to share with others". That's finishing strong. See you next week.
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