Daniel had a plan. He worked hard and was productive even in a tough situation.. He was liked and respected by his superiors because of results and for what he stood for. He used his potential to help himself and others.
Daniel was perceptive. He picked good friends. And when he was promoted to bigger and better things he asked that his friends be able to come along and help. "Shake The Bed", "Make The Bed", and "To Bed We Go" stood firm on their convictions, refused to bow to a statue, were thrown into a fiery furnace, and experienced God's protection as He walked with them through the fire. Read Daniel 3.
Early in the week we worked on Kurt, BJ, and Brian and Becky's corn acres.
One evening just after dark Cassia bought supper to the office. As we were eating we figured beans would go the next day and decided to move to a custom work job near Deep River yet that night.
We enjoy and appreciate working for Bill and Kathy and farm a number of farms for them up north. Bill is a retired school superintendent from HLV and Belle Plaine school districts. Bill rode in the combine with Kurt and Kathy rode with me on this particular afternoon.
Cassia stopped in Barnes City at the Long Horn and brought us all lunch. Relationships with each other and the folks we work for is still a big part of our day. We finished up late that afternoon and moved back south to finish up some smaller fields around home.
The next day we combined Karl and BJ's beans east of Blakesburg and hauled them to Burlington where they go on barges for export. When we work farther away from home we tend to car pool so we don't end up with a field full of pick ups after moving to the next farm.
Grandpa's combine is serving it's purpose well. It follows the crew doing smaller and leftover pieces. Becky and Brian's Elliott helped me on Friday and is cutting beans by himself in the pic below. This particular field was in among several homes. While combining we found four baseballs, 2 soccer balls, and an aluminum baseball bat.
I so believe taking the time, being a friend, and giving kids a purpose and responsibility prepares them for later in life. Elliott is a third grader at Sully Christian School.
As most of you know our kids are grown up and now all have kids of their own. Kristin, Malaki, and Sydnie came to Blakesburg to join Karl in the combine.
Wow. It's starting to look like a house. Jeremiah is making good progress on BJ and Cassias families new home.
Last fall Osky 1 church had a work day at Lake View Camp in southern Marion county. We took this no more used scale floor donated by the Groenenbooms and made a bridge out of it. Later Marty did a great job of welding on railings. This past Monday evening a number of us visited camp and made a plan on how to help again this coming Saturday as a church family.
Last evening Osky Christian School held their Friends Banquet fundraiser. The meal was delicious and served by the 8th graders. Tim and Jill, from northwest Iowa, were the speakers and talked about "Teaching for Transformation". TfT encourages teachers to help students see themselves in God's story and then live that story. Remember history is His-story (God's) and we are all part of it.
Chuck is Vice-President of TFL and Chris is board President at Joshua Christian Academy, an inner city Christian School. They came out and found me in the field yesterday afternoon to give Jan and I a picture of the third grade class we sponsor. We missed the class sponsor day visit. It was the same day as Ryker's funeral.
Daniel also had a purpose. He was intentional. He prayed on a regular basis. The story starts by telling about the Israelites captivity to Babylon. How the King ordered his staff to select strong, healthy, good-looking, educated, gifted young men to train for his service. The story says Daniel determined he would not compromise. Because of his passion he was blessed by God. Because of his abilities he was noticed and respected by the King and his staff and given much responsibility. Because of his favor and capabilities he was envied, hated, and became jealous of by the other administrators. Read Daniel 6. The story says Daniel was faithful, responsible, and completely trustworthy. He practiced purity in his lifestyle. His critics said their only chance of bringing him down and finding grounds for accusing him would be in connection with rules of his religion and his relationship with God.
Most of you know the rest of the story. His jealous critics got the King to make a law about no prayer. When Daniel heard about the new law he went straight to God and prayed. The King, who liked Daniel regrettably had Daniel thrown in the lions den overnight. The King couldn't sleep. He got up early the next morning and found God had spared him. The King made him second in command of his kingdom and said everyone was to serve Daniel's God. The Bible says Daniel prospered because he dared to do the right thing.
So what are your compromising situations today? Do you feel to busy to help others? Does it feel like if you are generous with your money there won't be enough to pay the bills? Do you feel tempted and justified to dislike folks that talk bad about you? Are you using your abilities to your 100% potential even though there is a risk? Will there be consequences or less opportunities for you for standing up for what's right? Will you be looked at as odd and weak for talking to God and asking for His direction and leading? Are you too comfortable to change for other's benefit? Remember, God is in charge. Dare to be a Daniel. Let's visit again next week.
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