Do you have jobs on your list that need to be done so that you can finish a project or meet a deadline? We had several of those at our house this week.

In our everyday lives, in the farming occupation, and even in our interaction with others we all have those action items that need to happen in order to accomplish a purpose or for a project to succeed. In the business world those action items are called deliverables.
Just like making a plan to move the ball across a football field with the hope of crossing the goal line deliverables move things forward toward a goal.
Sometimes we get kidded about wasting time visiting. Although that happens occasionally we make a plan and tackle our deliverables as a team. It helps everyone know what's going on and keeps folks knowing what the goal is for the day. Have you ever had a helper ask what's "so and so" doing? Just barking out orders only gives the employer, boss, or manager the satisfaction knowing that goals are being accomplished and not everyone on the team.
Dry weather has folks feeding and watering cattle in their pastures. BJ chopped corn silage on two different farms this past week.
Thanks Scott for helping haul in. Thanks Nathan for coming and bagging the corn silage.
Thanks Matt and Ryan for finishing rebuilding the corn drive over pit.
In 1980 we built this corn pit with a drive over grate to unload our wagons and single axle straight trucks. Although it made unloading easier our main goal was safety. Back then Jan combined and I hauled in and we usually had small kids helping us. Later the kids would haul in and unload corn after school.
The rough plumbing and perimeter tile are in at BJ and Cassia's house. Hopefully next week is grading, the water lines and insulation for in floor heat, and pouring the basement floor.
Sometimes deliverables can come up unexpectedly. Sometimes you need to ask others to help you with your deliverables. This combine was accidentally damaged when it drove into the shop door with the grain tank bubble up auger in the raised position. Thanks Titan in Pella for helping out.
The equipment folks working on Karl and Kristin's new hog shed are same as finished and Karl will be receiving weaner pigs this coming week. Hog finishers either get in grower or weaner pigs. A weaner pig is just two to three weeks old and has just been taking away from it's mother.
These little guys thrive in this environment, are healthy, and grow fast. Below Malaki is helping his dad get in the first batch.
We are continuing to harvest and have combined about 350 acres. Farm yield averages have been from 125 bushels per acre south of Oskaloosa to 200 bushels per acre northwest of Pella. The crop yield is extremely variable usually based on soil types in any given field because of our continuing dry year.
We are using the harvested acres relieve some hog pit levels and have been hauling honey. The deliverables of this job is to have a current soil sample on file and have a manure plan which means we are already planning next years crop.
Mike does a good job planning for his next day by always fueling up the evening before. He gets an early start, stops for helping coach football, and often goes back to his dozer after practice. The dirt he is pushing is so dry he has to cut in with the corner of his blade and often doesn't find any soil moisture until about six to eight feet deep.
Whether it's in football, riding dirt bike, at part time jobs, or life in general, I'm so happy when I see young folks tackling their own deliverables. Gideon, Ethan, and John welded the frame on this dirt bike yesterday afternoon after we finished working on perimeter tile at the house basement. Gideon told me he is tightening the shock on his suspension.
Believe it or not there are also deliverables in getting along with people. Those action items we can't neglect in order to have a relationship. Everyone needs affirmed, encouraged, and feel a purpose. Our job is to make that happen by looking outward and not just inward. We also need to respect ourselves however in order to respect others. Sometimes folks beat you up, talk bad, and hope you fail. Remember last week it's our character that matters more than our reputation. Below our crew stopped for Georges pizza while harvesting at the Sneller farm. Bonnie, this is the kitchen you grew up in.
Deliverables involve looking inward evaluating self. They involve looking forward toward a goal. They involve looking outward to others. They also involve looking upward. Have a conversation with God every day. Praise Him for who He is. Thank Him for blessings and being in charge. Ask Him for help and direction. Below the Pella Christian and Des Moines Christian football teams are praying together after competing in a football game.
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