Sunday, April 9, 2017

Tackling The Impossible

Have you ever been in a situation that seemed impossible? You needed a bigger truck. The right attitude, time, and effort, will accomplish things that initially look unattainable. 
Gene came to help us vac out the bottom of a bin of corn. Grandsons Ethan and Cody helped scoop. I found out later they had a track meet that afternoon. I worried they would out of energy however they both did well at the meet and Cody set a record.
Remember you were introduced to our old skid loader last week. Well when you put something old to work it's going to take a little tender love and care occasionally. Sounds like me. :)
Gideon and his team had a skeet shoot Saturday morning. They did well despite an impossible wind.
Kurt needed a cleaner, warmer environment to work where his family could help him. About a month ago we visited about helping him pour concrete. This week he had the old building spray foam insulated.
Friday evening was the Joshua Christian Academy fund raising banquet. 85% of their annual budget is raised from donations. One of those jobs that initially seems impossible, however God has been faithful to the school and to those who help fund the school. 
Our table guests for that evening were Jan's sister, Donna and Arlin, friends, Sharon and Royce, and Jan and Sue. Many of you will remember Jan from being on WHO radio for 27 years. Jan has spent the last year and a half tackling the impossible job of rehabilitating from  a stroke he had in November of 2015. His recuperation journey has included a visit to China for three months for therapy. Jan, it's an inspiration to hear you on talk radio again occasionally.
I didn't take the time to find a picture of my mom, Bynie or Elizabeth, however I would like you to keep her in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. She is having surgery. It's kind of a redo on a hip and the doctors aren't for sure how they are going to fix it. 
I'm going to finish this morning letting the farm pictures tell their own story while I share with you my thoughts on the significance of this coming week. Next week Sunday we celebrate Easter. There are a couple of Bible stories leading up to our Lord's resurrection that have significance for today. They also show the impossible task Jesus had and he did it for us.
Today is Palm Sunday. That's remembering Jesus riding into Jerusalem knowing the church leaders hated his guts and wanted to kill him. Imagine that. The very salvation their religion was looking forward to was right in front of them and they did not recognize it because they were too wrapped up in their own rules and traditions. In Matthew 20 Jesus tells his helpers and followers, listen, we are going up to Jerusalem where I'm going to be betrayed to the church leaders. They are going to get the Roman government to help in killing me. But on the third day I will raise from the dead.  
Jesus's followers totally didn't get it. A couple of Mom's asked Jesus if their sons could be in places of honor when they got to Heaven. Jesus responds by saying whoever wants to be a leader must become a servant. Jesus close friend, John writes that at their last supper together there was an argument as to who was going to be the host or servant and wash folk's dusty feet, a common practice in those days. Jesus taught them and us an important lesson. He, their leader, got a basin and towel, got on his knees, and washed his disciples feet. Have you ever washed someone's feet other than a family member? It's a humbling yet powerful experience.
Matthew 26 and 27 relate the story of Jesus being arrested. First he was taken to the church council. There the church leaders questioned him, accused him falsely, spat on him, and slapped him. Wow. We are talking people of influence here that hated a man so much it controlled their actions. Then he was sent to the governor who had the authority for a death sentence. This is where his followers deserted him and ran away. Soldiers mocked him. They made a crown of thorns and jabbed it on his head to ridicule the fact of him being a king. They took all his clothes off and gambled for his robe. Finally there were the people that passed by while he was on the cross. They misunderstood. They shook their heads. They added their comments of abuse. Isn't it something how quick we want to see the least in people. How we jump on the band wagon as soon as we hear something bad about someone. We need to stop feeling a little better about ourselves when we hear someone else has stumbled. What we hear may not be truth.
 Finally there's Peter. A hard working fisherman. Crude. Impulsive. Loud. A leader in his own rite. John 18 said he followed Jesus's whole procedure from a distance. In the courtyard at one of the trials he sat around a fire with others to warm up. He was recognized. He denied he knew his boss who was on trial. Later he was again questioned about his relationship to Jesus and he cursed he ever knew the guy. The rooster crowed. Ouch. It was just as Jesus predicted would happen. Peter was in bad company. He should have left. It got him in trouble. How often don't we get influenced hanging around the wrong folks. Peter felt terrible for screwing up. Been there done that. He went out and cried his eyes out. Jesus later forgives him and he becomes one of the most powerful and effective leaders in church history. There's always hope after forgiveness.
Jesus tackled the impossible. He paid because we aren't able to do it on our own. He forgives our wrongs when we ask him to. Forgiven people need to forgive others. We so often excuse ourselves with silly, petty reasons why we don't like someone. Remember we love God only as much as the person we love the least.
Remember, like Peter, some of the most amazing things come from some of the most unlikely people. Think about taking someone to church next week to celebrate. If you don't go regularly be brave and go. Will there be sinners there. Oh yeah. Jesus was crucified with two robbers. One asked Jesus to remember him and Jesus said, "today you will be with me in paradise". One said nothing and is spending an eternity trying to pay for his sins. I'm looking forward to next week. 

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