Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Gifts

What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? We are just finishing the season of gift giving. We remind our children and grandchildren to say "Thank you" for their gifts. I'm an early riser and I start my day praying. I ask forgiveness for my shortcomings. I ask for direction for the day. And I ask for protection and say thank you for every family member individually. It's a long list. I hope it gets longer.
We had our family Christmas Friday evening. Jan had an amazing meal including appetizers, main course, and desert. BJ helped Jan slice the meat. With Hazel's arrival we now have six granddaughters.
These little gals got cowgirl outfits as gifts.
Jan's annual gift of pajama's for all the grandkids has become outdated. Sleepwear for teenage boys is not that cool.
One of my favorite gifts was a knife that Gideon built for me out of a piece of re-rod in his forge.
Earlier in the week we had a hopper that wouldn't fit under the bin unload auger. Jim mentioned with all the past cold weather it would probably be easier to raise the bin than to dig frozen dirt. I agreed with him.
However believe it or not BJ was able to dig the frozen hard ground and get things to work.
We are continuing to run machinery through the shop, washing, fixing, greasing, and servicing.
Later in the week I had grandsons help me burn brush piles. The kids brought their rifle along in case they saw any rabbits. The bunnys escaped uninjured.
I have celebrated sixty Christmas's. I have been given a lot of gifts over the years. Most of them I don't remember. There are five Christmas's  I do remember.
As a kid we had this chrome tinsel tree with a revolving color light we put up every year. With foster kids and five siblings around we always had a house full. Below is my brother Bill who now has seven kids, grandkids, and an electrical business. And my sister Beth who I used to call "Funnyface". She has 4 children including one in the military. 
One Christmas my folks told us kids there would be no presents. It had been a bad cattle year. I will never forget my surprise coming down from a freezing upstairs and seeing gifts under that chrome tree. Uncle John and Aunt Marge had come from Michigan with gifts. I barely remember what toys they brought. I think they were even used. What I will never forget is that someone cared.
One Christmas Eve we were coming home from Jan's parents and saw the sky by our place was a blazing orange. We thought it was our home. Kurt and Karl were 9 months old. We lost a hog barn and some other out buildings.
I was up all night. As Christmas morning came and I saw the loss in the daylight I couldn't help thinking about how we managed the night before. Over 40 neighbors were there with livestock trailers, helping moved hogs, get electricity back to our home, it was -10 degrees, and control the fire. I don't remember presents that year. However I will never forget the gift that people cared.
Jan's mother died unexpectedly in mid December 24 years ago. Her funeral was on Jan's birthday. We still miss her. However I will not forget the times she helped me on the farm. Nor will I forget the gift of caring people during that time.
A few years ago in December I shared with you how I was up with a tooth ache in the middle of the night and heard BJ ask for help on the 2-way because of an anhydrous accident. When I picked him up in the field he couldn't see. God gave him his eyesight back. What a gift. I also remember the gift of caring people praying for him from all over the country.
Just 3 years ago Kurt and Emily had a new little boy born in mid December. After a few hours it was evident things weren't right. He was taken to Des Moines for pneumonia where it was learned his blood had no platelets. I don't remember much about Christmas that year in the neo-natal unit. However once again I will never forget how many friends prayed and cared.
I have had so many gifts over the years and have so much to be thankful for. It seems however the gifts I remember most were not wrapped and were not under a tree. They came during tough times and were people giving of themselves. Many folks are hurting this Christmas. Remember to pray for them and show them you care. It will be a gift they will never forget.
Last evening at our Christmas Eve service Pastor Paul shared with us how much God cares for us. Share that gift with others. Merry Christmas. 

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