Sunday, October 18, 2015

Is Hindsight 20/20

Folks say that if you step back and look where you have been things are obvious that were not obvious from the outset. They say you have a better understanding of something after it has happened.
This story happened 37 years ago this morning. It was 3am on a Wednesday. Jan woke me up and said it was time to go to the hospital. We didn't have a car and our pickup was broke so I called our neighbor Ken. We dropped him and our 1 year old off and headed for town. Mark was born before daylight. Back then things were a little different. The hospital kept Moms for a few days. Dads came to visit in the evenings.
So on that drizzly Wednesday morning I headed to Daryl and Rosie's to combine. We had just purchased a New Idea Uni combine from Drost Ford. Jan and I went to Carl and Martha's house and made the deal in their living room one evening. Looking back I'm not sure it was a new idea. I'd call it a bad idea even though we harvested with it for 10 years. At noon we always took an hour lunch with Daryl and Rosie. It was still drizzling so Daryl asked if we were going to continue to harvest. I mentioned we had a new son and Daryl said, "what the heck you doing here? go and see them".
Today Mark celebrates his birthday with a beautiful family of his own.
I have 5 memories just like this resulting in 6 wonderful children now all with families of their own. Looking back did Jan and I have a plan? Not a chance. We even had folks advise us that we needed to think about the fact that we didn't have the time or money for more kids. Back in the day harvesting with that Uni, trying to keep the bills paid, I never even dreamed we would have grandkids helping harvest.
Speaking of keeping the bills paid our Christian radio station celebrated 20 years on the air and Bev, Lisa, and others raised $100,000  to continue blessing our community. Good job gals. God is again as always, faithful.
4 years ago today BJ and Cassia had their 5th child and Natali came into our lives.
Today she is a little go-getter, loves to talk, and loves to help her dad.
Since our harvest is still in full swing, tiling is happening after hours. BJ is trying to put intakes in so Mike can keep using this beautiful weather to build terraces.
Speaking of Mike, he and Suzanne will be celebrating their anniversary next week.
Looking back last year we were experiencing a lot of mud. This year we have had great weather for harvest. The corn is coming out at 12% to 13% moisture. So far breakdowns have been minor.
Wilber and Marilyn will be celebrating at the cabin today with their family. You older folks have seen and experienced so many changes. Many of you were born during or just after the depression, had your families personally experience the effects of World War II, and raised your families with less luxuries and maybe in a less complicated lifestyle. As you look back I'm sure you could see God was in charge.
Whether we like to think about it or not all of us will eventually be leaving this life. Question one. When folks look back at our lives here on earth what will they remember? Question two. Was our life here for here or was it preparing ourselves and others for the next stop, eternity.
This is my 41st harvest. As I look back, plans, yields, and prices have all been irrelevant. Whether it was a large crop or a small one. Whether the prices were high or low we have been taken care of. With God in charge hindsight is 20/20. Have a good week.

1 comment:

benilhalk said...

Thanks you so much for sharing your memories here. I am also planning for a corporate event but not really sure about the location. So you know some good corporate events Chicago venues for celebrations?