Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksliving Gifts

Good morning. We had a good week working on the farm. We are just about 4 days away from Thanksgiving. We are only about 4 weeks away from Christmas.
Sometimes I wish I could ask you folks what you like to read about. My writing goals are to keep things short, keep things interesting, as few I's as possible, and share my heart. Sharing can be rewarding and create genuine friendships. It can also be revealing and make one vulnerable. 
 Sometimes you look at a picture and you just see the picture. However sometimes if you take the time to look close you see a blessing or a friend you might have missed. Life is like that. This week I'm going to share with you those gifts I've been given in every day living.
Those of you that know me know I love my job and I'm thankful for the opportunity to farm.
I'm so very thankful for the folks I get to work with every day.
I'm thankful for the immediate and extended family God has given and I love my children and grandchildren.
I'm thankful, optimistic, and am looking forward to the future.
When you have shared life with someone for close to 40 years that home becomes familiar. I'm thankful for the wife God has given me. I love you Jan.
When time and finances allow I love fixing up farms and am thankful for the opportunity to leave them better than I found them.
 When things go wrong or get hard it is not always a pleasant experience. However looking back on life God has given me failures to build character and help me grow.
 I'm thankful for folks who are the hands and feet of Christ and give their lives to help and instruct others.
 I'm thankful for the conversations and fellowship we can enjoy in business, in church, and in community.
I'm thankful for the freedoms we have in our country. I pray that my grandchildren will have the same blessing we have had of living in a free country that acknowledges God.
 I'm thankful for friends in so many arenas of life.
 Looking back on life is like looking in a rear view mirror and seeing where one has been. Looking forward to what is ahead one is thankful for bridges to get from here to there. I am so thankful for the faith we can have in the One who is in charge because on my own I would be lost.
 That One in charge is our Father in Heaven who loves us and cares about us. He has our life planned. He sent His Son whose birth we will soon celebrate to save us. He sends the Holy Spirit to steer us, help us see opportunities, and nudge us in the right direction. He sends guardian angels to protect us. And finally since we were created in His image He gives us others to love and care about. 

1 comment:

Tulip Grandma said...

Thank you for reminding me of all I have to be thankful for - and many things I should be thankful for and I take them for granted. Thank you for the blogs you post helping me to reflect on the past and accept the challenges in the week ahead and to be grateful HE is always in control.