Sunday, November 2, 2014

At The End Of The Day

 The sun is coming up an hour earlier this morning. Hopefully at the end of the day yesterday you set your clocks back an hour. I remember back when we would forget. 
 Many grain elevators got full of beans this week. Fortunately Burlington was still filling barges.
 Remember coming into Des Moines from the south and seeing all those concrete silos on Army Post Road just east of Hwy 65. It used to be General Mills. Heartland Coop now owns that. There are 256 concrete self unloading silos there that hold 20,000 bushels apiece for a total of over 5 million bushels capacity.
We stayed busy this week custom combining for others.
It's always a treat when someone brings out a meal.

Wilson is a farmer in Pennsylvania that also owns land in Iowa. His farm back home is just a 15 minute drive from Valley Forge. He flew out this week to be part of harvest. It was fun to spend time with him while we combined his 600 acres of beans.
 Thanks to Wilson for driving to Kinze in Williamsburg for us to pick up parts after we broke an axle. Thanks to Doug and Eric from Columbia for helping us get our cart back up and impacting the wheel and tire on the new axle.
 Ethan and Gideon ran the graincarts yesterday since there's no school on Saturdays. They enjoyed working with each other and their Dads. They did a good job.
 Listening to them on the 2-way brought me back 30 years and made me smile. "Hey, what radio station do you got on?" "104.9". "Go to 98.7 they have a good song on." "ok." Pretty soon one of their Dad's came on the 2-way and said, "hey you guys, quit worrying about the radio and stay focused on your job."
 At the end of the day you realize some things never change. You see 30 years ago when we combined with one of these their Dad's were the ones on the 2 way enjoying their responsibility and I was the one that would say, "hey kids, quit worrying about the radio and get back to work." :)
Van from WHO spoke at Osky Christian last evening. He talked about his start in radio and his love for God. He said the happiest folks he knows are the ones that know where they're from, where they're at, and where they're going.
We all do things differently. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the day there comes a point when we have to realize we will just never be good enough for some people. The question we must answer is, is that our problem or theirs.
At the end of life it will not matter whether we were good enough or not. What matters is whether or not we accept the gift our Savior and Creator offers and then out of gratitude treat others the way we would like to be treated.
Don't forget to vote on Tuesday. Your grandkids are depending on you. They deserve the same opportunities we have of living in a free country founded on values that acknowledge God. Remember all it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing. Have a good week.

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