Happy Independence Day. A countries independence and freedom only works if it's citizens hold on to trust, integrity, and character.
A business and career is most successful when it's proprietors hold on loosely by sharing the credit for their success, by sharing the wealth they produce, and by acknowledging all things are given by or allowed to be taken away by a higher power.
As we roll into July for the most part the planting, fertilizing, and spraying are about wrapped up. The biggest factor in crop production in July and August is the weather which is beyond a farmer's control.
Southern and central Iowa had some strong winds come through giving new meaning to the term "knee high by the 4th of July".
Southwestern Iowa had a serious batch of hail destroying crops for many miles.
All of Iowa has had heavy rain events. The rising rivers have flooded bottoms. Many local farmers have lost significant acres.
Thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes. Thanks to Jan for my favorite meal. Thanks to Brad for cutting the German chocolate birthday cake.
Thanks to the kids for a gift and for taking us out for supper.
As my birthdays count up I realize what a gift a large family is. Below is Grandma's house on a rainy Monday.
I've also learned over the years that the ones we love are the Lord's. Grandkids prefer sunny Mondays at Grandma's.
I'd like to finish with a story I heard this week that puts "walking our talk" in perspective.
A gentleman who had become wealthy came back to his hometown to speak at the church where he attended when he was young.
He talked about earning a dollar bill as a child. He recalled how he was sitting in this very church when a missionary asked for money.
He said he remembered putting the dollar in the collection plate, stating he had given everything he had, and how he credited that act to God blessing him so richly.
As he was sitting down after his talk an older lady leaned over to him and said, "I dare you to try it again".
Wow, everything we have is the Lord's. Yet how tightly we hang on, coming up with excuses why we can't share or give sacrificially.
All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give. I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live. All to thee my blessed Savior. I surrender all.
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