Sunday, June 8, 2014

Building And Growing

 June is a month when things grow. Crops, weeds, grandkids. We can also grow relationships by taking the time to listen, share, and care. We do that in our families. Some do that in their communities and churches. Some do that through short term work trips. A few do that overseas for an extended period of time.
Things that grow need to have a good foundation to build on. Crops need nutrients, water, and sunlight.
Kids need love, direction, responsibility, and boundaries.
Relationships take time, interest in others, sharing, and wisdom.
Growing sometimes takes us out of our comfort zone. However it usually gets us places that end up being a blessing.
Before we know it we are using that growth to tackle situations and make things happen. We build relationships and become a team.
Growth doesn't always have to be work. Rosie used to tell me, "all work and no play makes Johnnie a very dull boy."
When I was my grandkids's age John and Louise were friends with my folks. John would take kids rollerskating at the rink on the south end of town. It had a wooden floor. The poster I saw this past week showed admission for kids was a dime during afternoons and a quarter in the evenings.
It seems like everything was smaller and less hectic in the old days. Today it seems we are always trying to fit five gallon of stuff in a two gallon bucket.
You know the saying, four heads are better than one. One to think, one to fix, and two to supervise. 
The size and scope of agriculture has grown over the last 30 years. When I was my kid's age I did custom spraying with an IH 856, 200 gallon 3pt. tank, and a 24 foot boom mounted on the belly of the tractor. I filled with a garden hose every 10 acres and the herbicides of choice were wettable powder Atrazine and Bladex. I couldn't find a picture of back then.
This week our family ran 3 sprayers. They can cover 100 to120 feet per swipe and spray up to 100 acres per load.
Millions of Americans today say they can't find work. I talked to a fellow this week. He came from Australia a few years ago to get a job. He started working for a sprint car team. He saw an opportunity to build a business here. He bought a cement pumping business and today has grown to owning 7 of these big pumper trucks. He said to me, "America is full of jobs. However you might have to start by cleaning toilets."
 Our young peoples group is leaving for Joplin, Missouri this morning to help rebuild after a storm 3 years ago. My prayer for them is that they not only rebuild homes but also relationships with each other and with the folks they work for. Blessings to you kids and your leaders.
 Hopefully our young people, our congregation, and the folks they help will all grow from this experience. Whether in business or in life there is one more thing after building and growing. That's serving. Serving is saying thank you to God for His blessings to us.
"By the grace God had given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 

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