Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ready For A Silent Night

Good morning. This past Friday night I was in the cabin by myself setting up and setting tables getting ready for our family Christmas the following evening. It was so quiet. It was the first time in a while that I had time to think and reflect. All my stories this morning have happy endings. God is Good.
BJ had another eye appointment in Iowa City on the two week anniversary of his accident. The doctors called his healing incredible. One doctor called it a miracle. Ones first impression is to think, wow, his accident must not have been as serious as first thought. I can tell you I thought it was serious when I picked him up and he couldn't see. I also thought it was serious when the doctors described the damage and talked about getting the anhydrous out from behind his eyes. I can also tell you there is no doubt in my mind your prayers were answered for BJ. Thank you for praying.
Another answer to your prayers is that little Jackson is home with his folks and doing well after spending a week in Blank Hospital right after birth. He came two weeks early and was born with pneumonia.
Last Sunday evening my Dad called me. He said Mom was unresponsive and he had called an ambulance. Jan and I hurried into town. Jan stayed in the pickup and prayed while I went inside to help. As the ambulance was leaving for the hospital in the picture below someone tapped me on the shoulder while I was standing outside by myself. He said he was a neighbor and he would be praying for my mother. Then he said something I won't soon forget. He said two years earlier he was at deaths door and was allowed to look in. He said it was a good experience and he would have been ready to go. Wow. What a comfort for those of us who have accepted the gift of the Christ child whose birthday we are celebrating this season. Mom was transferred from the ER to Iowa City where she had several tests. Although we're not totally sure what's wrong we are thankful that she is still with us, back home, and looking forward to Christmas.
After visiting Mom one evening in Iowa City Jan and I went out to eat to celebrate Jan's birthday.
We have several shop projects going getting things ready for next season.
We met Cheryl this week. She is a journalist and came to visit with us about farming as a family.
Last evening was our family Christmas. The kids and grandkids were wonderful. I got the best presents this year including granddaughters that like to compete for Grandpa's lap, two refurbished pedal tractors, a buck knife, a family picture book, and another announcement.
 The girls all brought dishes. One of Jan's included prime rib where you turn the oven on 500 degrees for just a while and then you shut it off and don't open the oven door for 4 hours. It's a recipe my friend Howard used to do. What a blessing. Good food. Good company. I could quote a friend who made the news this week. I'm happy, happy, happy. My heart goes out to those who are celebrating Christmas with loved ones missing this year. 
So as grandkids gathered around in their new pajamas from Grandma before they went home I thought, Thank you Lord for nights that aren't all that silent.

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