Sunday, January 27, 2013


 I was told last week by a close source in a really nice way that just maybe I have been getting a little heavy on the advice giving side of things lately. That's what happens when I think too much. So this week I promise to go adviceless, look at the pictures, and just write whatever pops in my head.
Believe it or not we had a couple of inches of snow last Sunday evening. It's gone now. I'm not sure it melted. I think it just all blew away. We have freezing rain forcasted for this morning however I haven't seen any yet.
Question. How many grandkids does it take to eat Grandma's special, macaroni and cheese? Answer. How ever many are around the table. It's their favorite meal and they just eat it till it's gone.
A cat snuck (is that a word) in the office and is teasing the dog through the window saying, ha, ha, you can't chase me now.
Mike and Mark got the used replacement cab just about ready to put on the trackhoe that rolled last fall.
Yesterday Cody came with his dad to the shop. They had to go shoot (with a transit) a pond (a job possibility) later. So I asked him to help me fix the heater which was running intermittently. We blew out the fuel line and the air line and now it works great. 
We needed a little extra heat because we were getting ready to shoot (with paint) a tractor and we crack the shop doors for ventilation. When I came in for lunch with red paint in my nose Jan asked me where my mask was. I told her I let Cody wear it. You see it fogs up my glasses when I wear it.
So where was Cody's dad? Well he was in the office on the phone, either pretending to do business while sleeping, or pretending to sleep while doing business.
I had a tax appointment this past week and thought there may be a possibility I would have to buy something to lower my tax bill so with Pablo's help we cleaned up the old forklift, emailed a picture of it to our Hyster dealer, and asked him if he had any late model good used fork lifts for trade. Of course he had some for sale but mentioned that our old forklift was pretty much worthless so I guess we just drive it some more. 
Karl casually asked if I would chore for him and Kristin this weekend. When I walk in the shed the pigs look at me as if to say, who are you and where is our boss? Karl takes way better care of us. 
Jan's old high school played my old high school in basketball Friday night so we went to the game. A couple take aways from the game, the kids keep getting younger and the bleachers keep getting harder every year. We had a good time and even went out to eat afterwards. Have a great week everyone.

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