Sunday, August 26, 2012

Making The Grade

Probably the second most talked about question this past week at the grain elevators and coffee shops is, what's this crop going to yield? The most asked question has been, will it make grade or does it have aflitoxin, a mold caused by drought? 
 Yields vary even within fields. Our crops south of Oskaloosa have been yielding about 1/3 to 1/2 of what we normally expect. Our crops east of town are yielding about 1/2 to 2/3 of what we are used to. We have not been north of town yet. 
 Last Thursday, Joe, a friend and neighbor east of town, stopped and rode a round in the combine. We visited about the short crop and our summer weather. He mentioned a verse in Ecclesiastes 7 his Sunday School class had discussed which paraphrased says, "When times are good, be happy; however when hard times strike realize that both come from God. Remember nothing is certain in this life." Thanks Joe for the visit.
 For the past couple of years we have forward sold our crop staight out of the field to a corn processing plant. We eliminate drying and storage cost and speed up harvest significantly. The plant has strict grading requirements including moisture, test weight, damage, and foreign material.
This corn milling plant in Eddyville allows no more than ten parts per billon of the aflitoxin mold caused by drought and stressed plants. If you do the math that's one kernal per semi load. 
This is the Grading Shack as we call it at the corn plant. You pull up along the side of the building and they probe your load four or five times to get a random sample to test. After checking moisture and test weight they grind a small sample and check it under a black light. If it glows you have to wait while they do a twenty minute aflitoxin test. We have had five loads out of sixty rejected for aflitoxin. 
Mike uses grade when building terraces. He started this terrace on our farm earlier this week but the soil was so dry it wouldn't pack so he is waiting for a soaking rain.
Last Sunday we got together as a family for supper and devotions at the cabin before harvest started full speed. Thank you so much girls for suggesting it and planning it. 
Jan's sister Donna had a birthday last week and her family celebrated with a supper for friends at the cabin. Below she is getting her picture taken with her grandkids. Kutos Donna on all the people you help at Pella Hospital as a nurse and congradulations on a family that loves you.
Last Friday was opening night for high school football. Son Mike coached his first game as defensive cordinator. Making the grade as a football team involves sportsmanship, effort, and attitude, way more than winning. Winning is a bonus. 
 We know what the Lord requires of us but do we always make the grade in life? No. Do we get rejected and sent away? No. We have an advocate that says, "I'll take care of that load of shortcomings and welcome you to My family if you let me." Thank you Lord for your grace.

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