Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Series Of Beginnings

Do you enjoy getting an early start? You step outside and see the sky covered in stars. The moon is heading down in the west. It's so quiet you feel like it's just you and God. Later you see the eastern horizon start to grey. Then the orange, pinks, reds, and purples paint the sky as dawn comes. It's the beginning of a brand spanking new day.
We are standing at the doorway of a brand new year. A clean calendar. A new start. Another chance. A year older. There will be obstacles and opportunities. There will be tender times and tough times.

2016 will soon be forgotten except when life jogs our memory and reminds us of the past. Our lives are a story. We were created by God to live out our story. We have been given a mind and abilities to make choices which will determine our story. Looking back on our stories collectively is history(His-story). This weekly visit is a snap chat of a small part of our story.
This story started back in the 1950s in Wright when my wife Jan and her brother and sister leaned to drive on their father's Hybrid. Gene put together a 1948 truck and a Graham-Bradley tractor.
Then in the 1970s we needed a second tractor so I put together a Hybrid using a 1957 ton truck. Our kids drove it to chore around the farm. They also occasionally took it to town with interesting results. 
Now the grandkids are asking that we get the Hybrid going again. So last Monday we drug it in the shop.
The next chapter of this story is to decide whether to do CPR on the old Hybrid or start over. Stay tuned.
With school out over Christmas break the older grandkids were good help. I start to feel old when I have to work to keep up with them in a grain bin.
BJ sent a crew to take out fence so he could tile. Apparently they still have a little way to go in rolling up netting. I remember taking out fence working for Walter when I was their age.
These four brothers helped unload firewood at the cabin Friday. We were going to burn brush piles as well however it was kind of windy and I didn't have the energy to chase a fire through someone else's timber.
Another story. This one's scary. Jan mentioned to me that we were having guest at the cabin and I needed to move the just washed honey wagon. Since a little tractor with a little hitch pin was easily available I decided I wasn't going far. As I coming on the yard I noticed me and the 1456 had turned but the honey wagon hadn't. I thought, Oh no, it's going to hit one of Jan's trees. Then I thought, Oh crap, it's not going to hit a tree and it's heading straight for the pond. I'm going to have to pull it out of the edge. Then I thought, wait a minute. The pond has 6 inches of ice on it. How far will it go out on the ice before it sinks?
Well fortunately there was no frost in the grass surrounding the pond and the hitch dug in and the honey wagon stopped. Good ending to a not so good story.
Once in a while we get invited to cabin guest's gatherings to help out with a family photo. This good looking bunch got together Friday evening for a family Christmas. Congratulations Brant and Martha and families. Your quivers are full. I hope all of you have blessed new year.
Our Christmas rain took most of the frost out and we are moving dirt. A gift for this time of year.
BJ moved the tile plow yesterday and weather permitting we hope to pattern tile a farm on Monday.
Jan and I got invited out on Old Year's Eve to have supper with BJ and Cassia's family since Adili tuned 7 on the last day of the year. 
Remember being introduced to Hazel a couple of weeks ago? Well she already has a cousin younger than her.
Jayden arrived Tuesday. He joins his big brother Jackson and his parents Kurt and Emily. The beginning of another story.
Well, as we turn and look back, the 2016 story has been written. Some of it was planned. Much of it wasn't. 
Once again we are beginning a new chapter looking forward. There are plans. However much of this chapter will happen unplanned. Making choices and choosing directions for the new year can be difficult because we don't know the future. Remember the One that wrote our story does know the future and wants to use us in His plan. You can make a difference this year. The outcome hasn't been determined yet but I saw individuals being used in our last election cycle results and believe me it wasn't the Russians. God bless you all my friends in 2017. 

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