Saturday, July 15, 2017

A Week Of Making Memories

Memories are about the past. Dreams are about the future. Experiencing life is in the present. All three fit together to create your story. All of our stories put together become history or "His-story". 
What do you remember as a kid? I'll bet you there were some bigger things out of the ordinary like vacations or weddings or storms or moving. I also dare say there are a few little things that for whatever reason you just have never forgotten. These siblings and cousins are growing up fast making memories together. 
I realize not everyone baptizes children. Baptizing our kids is for remembering. Yes, we remember stuff like them crying through the whole thing or the big Sunday lunch with family afterwards. But the main thing we remember are the promises God makes to us in the Bible in helping to raise them to be assets in society and His kingdom when they grow up.
These three amigos went to Culvers with Grandpa and Grandma. I remember Ezra being grown up and helping his brothers order. I remember Elliott ordering shrimp.:) I remembering Zach wanting to eat ice cream and color.  
Malaki and Jackson won't remember much about being two years old. However later Malaki will remember this quilt his Grandma Jan made for him when he was two.
Ryan helps us on Saturdays. He made a memory when he shot himself with nail gun stapling plywood while building at his fulltime job.
Some of you remember getting presents. These gifts are sitting on my office desk in our home. One is from Alex. The other is from Andy. Both work with our family on the farm.
This is Kasey, Alex, Andy, and Kurt. They often tackle projects together and enjoy each other's company. They make a new list of memories every week. They had an unordinary one this past week.
I had some extra pallet racking and asked Kurt if he would like some for his shop. So he hooked up the trailer and had Alex and Andy help him load it up and take it to he and Emily's place west of Leighton. After unloading they took the pavement back going through Leighton. About a half mile past West Lake Kurt said to Alex, "turn around, that looked like a bear". Sure enough, just south of the 4-lane in a bean field was a black bear. It was close enough to see his face and entire body however by the time they got their phones out for a picture the bear was skedaddling. Kurt called Russ, our local sheriff and friend and texted him this pic. Russ later found black hair where the boys had seen the bear cross the fence. Osky News also posted Kurt's photo. It went all over social media as well as channel 8 and 13 news. 
This picture looks like kids playing with toys. Actually Kyle is moving a 20,000 bushel bin for us.
This will be a summer to remember. Some crops are in great shape while others are still holding on waiting for a rain. It seems we remember the dry years longer than we do the normal ones. Below Karl is checking if the ears are fully filled with kernels. During and after tassel a corn plant takes up to 3 tenths of rain a day either from rain or out of the ground with it's extensive root system. We had 4 tenths of rain around our shop early in the week. Around home that's been the first rain event of any size since a half inch on May 28.
I enjoy checking crops. A farmer generally grows 40 to 50 crops in his lifetime. You would be surprised how he can remember something about every one of those years. Remember about a month ago when we talked about spraying fencerows. It's also rewarding to see a good kill on the weeds and trees after they have been sprayed.
 Gideon is at his old house helping clean up the mess. As the leftovers are being burnt Gideon is keeping the fire under control with the sprayer tanker hose. He is giving me a thumbs up that he has enough pressure. As I sped up the pump motor the pressure from the hose about took him off the ground. Gideon is attending TEC this weekend at Central Ref Church.
Adali and Natali are hanging out as well as they watch their Dad clean up the yard they lived on until late April. They will always remember 2017. However not just because of losing their home. They will also remember working together to clean up and get ready for a new home.
BJ's goal was to have everything cleaned up and ready for a new basement by the time they left to pick up John at Cadet Camporee in the Black Hills. 
 Yep. About 1000 boys from all over the US and Canada are camping in the Black Hills near Custer, South Dakota. Our church denomination sponsors this camp every three years. Grandson's John and Ethan are attending. 
At this Camporee they have a Sunday service where families are invited to join and see the campgrounds. So Jan and I decided to go. While we are out here we took in some of the sites. Maybe more on that next week. 
I would encourage you to make memories for yourself and your family. Making memories don't always have to be away from home. It's often just living intentionally, being and sharing together, and making relationships a priority.   

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