Sunday, September 11, 2016


Unexpected events in our lives often cause us to remember and reflect. In many cases a struggle causes us to work together and makes us stronger.
This loaded graincart fell in a hidden hole this past week. We were able to auger off the first 600 bushel. The last 400 bushel had to be removed by hand.
We also remember planned events that are milestones. These would include weddings, births, graduations, jobs, and retirement.
Kurt and Emily's landlords had their farm sale this past week after farming for over 50 years.
Reflecting on events, unexpected or planned alike, either cause us to reach out for help or make us thankful.
On Labor Day we helped Karl sort hogs. He is starting to sell again.
This time of year makes me think back and remember previous crops. It seems our memories tend to drift back to the tough years. There were the droughts of 1977, 1980, and 1983. There was also the floods of 1993. There were the character building years during the mid 1980's when crop prices were hitting new lows and interest rates were from 17-22%.
One morning about 5:15 this past week BJ texted and said he was going to breakfast. Four of us joined him.
Congratulations to Lisa and John who are expecting their first child soon.
Mark is visiting from Colorado so he and his father, Gary, drove out on their H Farmalls.
Fifteen years ago this morning everyone remembers where they were at and what they were doing when they got word a World Trade Tower had been hit by a plane. Everyone also remembers the realization of what was happening when the second one was hit and rumors of more plane crashes elsewhere.
Jan was taking Kurt and Karl to school. I was spraying bins getting ready for harvest. I remember Becky calling me from Dordt College where she was a freshman. Later that day during a Junior High soccer game we watched Air Force One accompanied by two fighter jets fly over our area going from Omaha to Washington DC.
My youngest memory. On a Sunday afternoon in 1960 my Uncle John and Aunt Edna were visiting Uncle Guy and Aunt Helen on their rented farm west of Leighton. Cousins, Rob and Jerry, went down to this pond just southeast of the farm yard now owned by brothers, Ivan and Ray. I remember my parents getting a phone call saying the two boys were missing. I remember driving with my parents to the farm instead of Sunday evening church. I remember a raft and socks and shoes. I remember men in boats with big hooks looking for the boys. I remember them being found and my parents saying it was time to go to the house. I remember all that at four years old.
I have not experienced losing a child, grandchild, or spouse and hope I never do. Many of you have. We don't know what the future holds for us and our country. However, without a doubt we know Who holds the future. As we remember back and look forward, lets finish strong with those we love and each other during the time God has left for us.

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