Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Third Generation

I'm sure many of you have heard the adage over the years that there is a generation that makes it, followed by one that uses it, followed by the third that loses it.
As our country was moving into the early 1900s many of our ancestors immigrated to America to find work, religious freedom, and the hope of owning property.
Those folks worked hard, raised a family, lived through a depression, were blessed with opportunities, and finally either willingly or unwillingly passed the baton on to their kids. The kids now knew English as their native tongue and America had been home all their lives. They went to school for the most part, married, worked, took part in the American dream of ownership, and had kids. Today we (those kids) live in the greatest country in the world. 
The folks running for president have similar stories of their parents and grandparents coming to America for a better life and opportunities.
Many of you who are frequent visitors to this post know I don't use last names. That's not to be disrespectful. My intent is to stay under the radar. Frank came from a Jewish family and is a moderator on Fox. Friday evening during the snow storm he asked the candidates some personal questions.
 Marco talked about his Cuban parents. How his father did everything in his power to have a better life for his children. He shared his faith in Christ and talked about the second coming when all things will be made perfect.
Frank asked Ted when was the last time he had asked for forgiveness. Ted shared a story about while he was in college and law school. His parents were getting a divorce and he was angry. Many know his father Rafael as a Cuban prisoner in his younger years. Rafael is now a retired pastor.
Frank asked Ben about unsuccessful surgeries that resulted in the loss of a patient. Ben said he always tried his best. When he saved folks he gave the credit to God. When he lost folks he left the results to God.
Frank asked Rick if he had ever cursed God. Rick shared how he found God in the Senate. As a new Christian he fought against the partial birth abortion law. How his wife Karen was pregnant at that same time. How Karen went into labor and delivered a 21 week old baby that lived 2 hours and died in their arms. How he asked God what kind of sick joke was this when he was trying so hard to save babies from abortion. How God softened his heart.
Frank shared with Carly how he had lost his father and how it was a struggle. Carly shared how while being treated for cancer she lost a daughter to addiction. She shared her hope in Christ.
Joel closed the evening in prayer. Joel is a Jew that believes in Christ. He recently moved his family to Israel. He is an author and has written 15 books. His first book, The Last Jihad, talked about an attack on America. He had two chapters left to write on 9/11/2001. I had the privilege to spend Saturday with him and a few others praying for our country.
Today we live in a very comfortable culture. Will we help continue to make this country great, or will we just use the country we're given, or will we become that generation that loses a country due to apathy and not wanting to be involved?
In the Bible times Israel wanted a king like the other countries to take care of them. Today many people in our country want a government to take care of them forgetting about the fact that a government big enough to give them everything they want is also a government big enough to take away everything they need. Don't forget to take the time to pray for our country and become involved in it's outcome.
"I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations. I forgive rebellion and sin. But I do not excuse the guilty. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generations." Exodus 34:7

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