Sunday, June 14, 2015

Dividing Camels

Have you ever been asked for advice or a solution and you really weren't sure what the resolution or the answer to the situation was?
A story is told of a man a long time ago in a far away land that died. His wishes were to divide his estate between his three sons. His instructions were that his first son was to receive half. His second son was to receive a third. And his last son was to receive a ninth.
The father's estate consisted of 17 camels. So the sons got together and started to try and figure out how to divide up the camels according to their fathers wishes. 
Well the harder they tried the more frustrated they became and they started becoming angry with each other. As you know you just can't split a camel and it was looking like their father's wishes just weren't possible.
The sons agreed to go ask a wise old woman in their village for help. The woman listened, thought for a long while, and finally said, I don't think I can help you.  
She said, I'm sorry. I'm not sure there is a resolution to your father's wishes however I would like to help. I have one camel. I would like you to have it. The sons protested, we couldn't possibly take your only camel but the woman insisted so they agreed and took her camel home.
The next morning the sons got together again to try and come to a solution. Now they had 18 camels. The first son's half would give him 9 camels. The second son's third would give him 6 camels. Finally the last son's ninth portion would give him 2 camels. 9+6+2=17 camels. 
They returned the wise old woman's camel to her and thanked her for her help.
Occasionally we are asked to help in situations where we don't always have the immediate answer or solution. However if we are approachable, willing, caring, and generous, God is faithful and often uses us to help accomplish His purposes.

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