Sunday, September 21, 2014

Promising And Belonging

Last Sunday was the baptism of Brian and Becky's fourth son, Harris. Baptism reminds us of God's promises to us and our children. It also reminds us of our promises to Him that we as parents, family, and church, will teach our children that we belong to God.
Cousins hanging out and interacting together definitely broadens their horizons.
Harris is growing but then you about have to when you belong to a family and hang out with older brothers.
Our crop in the northern part of the county was in an area that was hit hard with a wind just before pollination. Harvesting goose necked plants takes concentration and can make you dizzy watching the corn come into the corn head. The yields in these area of the fields are down about 25%.
It's always fun when family comes out and helps. Emily and Jackson are helping Kurt in the grain cart.
For the most part the weather cooperated this week and the ground firmed up some as we continued with harvest.
We have about a third of our commitments fulfilled that we had promised to deliver to Eddyville in earlier contracts.
Market basis is the difference between what an elevator pays and the board of trade. This week Cargill/Eddyville went from a +33 cents to a -35 cents basis on their bids making corn worth 70 cents a bushels less in just a week. This will be slow to recover with the promise of such a big crop in the field. 
John drove the grain cart yesterday and followed his dad who was combining. 
The Terpstra family got together yesterday for coffeetime. Jan's mother who passed away when Kurt and Karl were just three was the oldest of ten children.
Uncle Dave was the youngest of those ten kids. He lives in Colorado. He gave us a lamp he made out of moose, elk, and mule deer antler sheds.
Like Harris we all need to feel we belong. This is true in our families, in our businesses, in our churches, in life in general. And also just like Harris we have the promise that we will be taken care of by the One we belong to.

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