Friday, August 29, 2014

For Free

While we were out in Colorado a few weeks ago our granddaughter Rachel was given a horse for free. Now if you figure the fuel it takes to pull a trailer to Colorado and the time it takes for BJ her dad to build fence I'm not sure it was quite free. Also as Uncle Karl said you can't just back a horse in the corner of the machine shed until you need him. 
But hey, how can you not go after Bear, the horse, when you see how much he likes his new owner. O, speaking of hay, BJ usually sells that as a cash crop. Might have to save a little back. How much hay will Bear eat? Will he like Iowa hay? Who will feed Bear?
I'll let you in on a little secret. When Rachel's mom Cassia was Rachel's age her first job was taking care of horses and cleaning pens in Colorado. She probably fed Bear since Bear is a senior citizen in horse years. Since Rachel loves horses as much as her mom does I dare to bet Bear is going to have a great time becoming an Iowan.
Since harvest is just around the corner and free time will be at a minimum we decided to invite a few friends and go racing. Only one time did the race track manager only have to ask the guys to cool it. Quite often she would put baby powder on the track which makes the track slick and slows the cars down.
We had a really good time both racing and watching even though we picked the hottest day of the summer to go. Congratulations to Brent who won the main event.
God made us to enjoy the fellowship we have with one another. That fellowship happens in work and leisure both. Giving and receiving of those friendships affirms and assures us that we have value to one another.
God also values each and every one of us. It makes sense because He is the one that made us. I'm not sure where those who don't believe in creation get their self worth. Evolutionist believe we evolved from cells that accidentally came together and then grew into a primitive form of an animal and finally a person all by ourselves. From goo to you by way of the zoo. God values us so much He gave His Son for us for free.
So what's it cost to be a friend? We are friends for free.
So what does a building project cost? Yikes, but it's worth it at twice the cost when you've been married to your best friend for close to 40 years.
Finally, what does it cost to take a Labor Day weekend off with that same best friend to go to Colorado and pick up a horse named Bear for your granddaughter? Priceless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are the greatest grandparents! And I love sharing your grandkids. Have a safe trip.