Sunday, November 3, 2013

Filling Shoes

Good morning. Hope you all had a good week. We did although it was way different than planned. I'm sure we look small through our Heavenly Father's eyes sometimes as we go about our plans.
We picked corn around this good looking old barn this week. It's on my cousin Darrell and Bev's place. It's in pretty good shape. It just doesn't serve a purpose anymore. I wonder if God ever sees us that way.
Yes we did get the combines back out. A friend called and asked if we would help them take out their last 500 acres of corn.
Our State Auditor stopped by this week to say hello. Mary was appointed to her job earlier this year by the Governor.
I needed pickup tires and Jan had a list so we decided we would go on a date if it ever rained. Well we received a much needed inch so after getting rained out around noon on Wednesday we headed south.
Our first stop was at Dutchman's in Cantril. Claire is a Mennonite and has a booming business selling everything from bulk groceries, to material for sewing, to kids toys and farm boots.
Our next stop was to Mayberry Farms near Memphis, Missouri for tires. Then a Mennonite locker out in the country near Rutledge, Missouri. Then a stop in Rutledge at a store for fabric. Jan said I was welcome to stay in the pickup for that stop. I'm not a very good fabric shopper.
Jan mentioned since it wasn't quite closing time yet we had time to stop back in Memphis and do some clothing shopping for me. She made me go in for this stop. It happens about once a decade.
Thursday evening we went to see the PC high school kids perform The Music Man. They did a great job. I can't imagine how the leading actors like Cory and others can remember all their lines.
Since we thought life would be slowing down soon some the crew decided to do breakfast at Julies on Wednesday mornings. I sat across the isle and had a good visit with Ken and Ruth, and Betty, retired folks from our church.
It's always fun when the grandkids are around and helping. They are growing up so fast. They are already helping and will be filling our generations shoes before we know it. Below Elijah has an ear of corn in one hand and is helping Uncle Kurt run the grease gun with the other.
Wow. It doesn't seem that long ago when this fellow was 24 years old and he and his lovely wife were raising a family. He does remember his parents teaching him that no matter what shoes he was given to fill his example was more important than his accomplishments. They must have had no shave Novembers back then too.
I enjoy the discussions our crew has sometimes about community, church, country, and life in general and our roles and responsibilities in them.
God is so good at supplying our needs in whatever roles or responsibilities we're given. However just like when we appreciate it when our children ask, God wants and expects us, His children, to ask when we need help.
 So what shoes has God given to you to fill and when you are no longer around how will you be remembered? The secret to life is to give 110%, not be scared of responsibility, and care about others. If you try and do the common things uncommonly well, you will be successful.

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