Sunday, April 26, 2015

What's Our Future

Twenty six years ago this evening I was planting corn when Jan called on the two-way and said it was time to go to the hospital. I asked her if I could finish the field. 1989 was a very dry spring. That night God blessed our family with two more sons and our crop with two inches of rain. Happy Birthday Kurt and Karl.
Last month Becky took Jackson's(on the right) picture. His dad's(Kurt) picture is in the center. His granddad's(me) picture is on the left. 
A long time ago on our wall in our old house Jan started with her and my baby pictures and then our 6 children's around them. And our grandchildren around that. However Jackson, Harris, and Malaki aren't up yet and we are out of room so when we move to our new house we will need to find a bigger wall.
Thursday Mike called, said he was working east of Blakesburg, had a flat, and needed a spare tire. He told me not to worry about a jack.
BJ and Mark had a productive week planting corn. There was some talk in our state about whether or not to continue planting with cooler and wetter weather coming. Our theory is if soil moisture is dry, it's time to plant. Planting in wet conditions will get you in trouble. Proper soil moisture is way more critical than proper soil temps.
The sprayers are hurrying to keep up with the planted acres and have put in some big days. Kurt and Karl did most of the spraying this past week.
Because we are getting along well with corn we decided to move some earlier planned bean acres to corn. Looking forward into the future $9.00 new crop beans just don't pencil out a profit.
Our emerged corn is currently shivering and waiting for next week's warmer forecast.
Monday evening the kids did a great job at their Sully Christian School spring program.
Preschool through 4th grade and their teachers did an excellent job at their Technicolor program Friday evening at Osky Christian School. With religious liberty starting to be attacked in some states I pray for the future of our Christian schools and the kids that attend them.
In 2014 during the mid term elections we heard a lot of promises from politicians wanting our vote only to go to the legislature, listen to their leadership instead of their voters, and back out on their promises. Now we are only about a year away from a presidential primary. The candidates see Iowa as an important state and we the voters need to get it right. Governor Bobby was in Oskaloosa Friday evening.
If you think back just a few years and how we as a country have changed concerning Israel, Iran, immigrants, marriage, religious freedom, IRS targeting Christians, and leadership, our countries future and life as we know it is in jeopardy. Our problem isn't a lack of good folks. It's a lack of good folks taking action. Rick had coffee in Knoxville on Saturday with some good folks.
 One of Kurt's landlord stopped by Monday for a visit. We didn't talk about acres, rent, or crops. We talked about fun memories, relationships, and our Hope. He talked about his aggressive brain cancer and said other than a prayed for miracle he had come to say good bye.
Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 8:7 "Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come." We don't know what our future holds. However we do know Who holds our future. We also know we were all created for a plan and purpose. That is an encouragement for us, our kids, and our grandkids. 

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